Algorithm Agency has become aware of a scam using details from our website to trick people into paying them money.

Claiming to have obtained details from LinkedIn, these scammers are targeting victims via Telegram. With the promise of high returns, they give the victim ‘tasks’, which need to be completed, in return for money.

Eventually, to get higher-paying tasks, victims need to bet certain amounts. The more you bet, the more ‘income’ you could potentially receive.

Please note this is a pyramid scheme and obviously is in no way linked to Algorithm Agency. We urge anyone who is caught up in this scam to contact the police with as much detail and evidence as possible.

Remember, any and all communication from Algorithm will only come from our official email: [email protected] Or from our verified representatives with emails ending in ‘’

Remember, any and all communication from Algorithm will only come from our official email: [email protected] or from our verified representatives with emails ending in ‘’

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